Archive | March, 2020

The Call for Humility

30 Mar

Anyone who even considers the idea of running for president of this country should take a real close look at the job and measure that against the human being they know themselves to be — the only real honest question must be “am I qualified to lead a country full of the kind, caring, dedicated citizens who are hanging out their apartment balconies singing praise for the dedicated fellow citizens who are pitting their lives against Covid-19? Can I really be the one to lead the legion of talented civic minded servants that comprise the mayors and governors of this nation?” This shouldn’t be the time for political bombast or gamesmanship, but this should certainly be a time for self-inspection: If a 20-second hand wash seems to you to be too much sacrifice for the health of the neighbor you don’t know by name, then you better keep your hat out of the ring. And, each and every one of us should be taking notes, just in case their self inspection fails them.

Beating isolation as best we can

21 Mar

Anti Covid-19 activities are creating a caring, sensitive attitude of cooperation in this country, and it’s spreading like, well, a virus! In that spirit, we’re joining a special program at Smashwords through April 20! This sale is the direct result of several Smashwords authors requesting that Smashwords run a special sale. These authors wanted to show their support to readers who now face unprecedented social isolation, anxiety and economic hardship as a result of the world response to the Covid-19 pandemic. So, read a book or order one for a friend who’s at home and alone. Shop at